
Freelance Jobs

Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 12, 2009

Alexa Sparky 1.4.7

Sparky is Alexa Internet's free Firefox plugin. Sparky accompanies you as you surf, providing useful information in your status bar about the sites you visit without interrupting your browsing.

Discover website traffic trends -- Is this site getting more popular, or less?

Get detailed traffic information including Reach and Rank -- How does this site's traffic compare to other sites on the Web?

Surf more efficiently with Related Links for each page -- If I like this site, are there others that I might want to visit?

Gracefully navigate past dead end error pages -- Enable Sparky's optional custom error handling and address bar search features to get relevant alternative links when your browser encounters a network error, and to allow for searches right inside your address

Plus, as you surf around the Web with Sparky you are helping to make the Web a better place for everybody by contributing to the traffic information that Alexa provides.

dowload here:

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